- Barley Fields
1,500m3 Carlow Precast Tank - Fallows Park
1,000m3 Carlow Precast Tank - Newbridge Village
750m3 Polypipe Ridgistorm XL Tank - Shakespeare School
500m3 Geolight Crate Tank - Castle Road
750m3 Carlow Precast Tank - Harland Way
1,200m3 Carlow Precast Tank
In Depth: Barley Fields
- Construction of a 1,500m3 Precast Tank, including all pre-construction meetings and briefings with Carlow.
- Excavation works to a volume of 2,500m3
- De-watering to the Carlow Tank Perimeter to a depth of 7m due to high water table levels
- Design, procurement and installation of temporary works due to the proximity to an existing road.
- Installing Type 1 sub-base and Concrete Blinding as per Carlow Details
- Supply of all necessary workforce for the Carlow Installation
- Craneage and Concrete Pumping
- Backfilling and Reinstatement of areas to previous condition.